
23.01.2025. Loretta L. del Mercato has been awarded the ERC-Proof of Concept grant. Thanks ERC! CNR press release (short description).

14.10.2024. A huge welcome to Manuela Cedrùn Morales, PhD from University of Santiago de Compostela-Spain Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS), to our team! Manuela will work on synthesis of fluorescent nanoparticles for studying the tumor microenvironment in 3D in vitro models of melanoma. Welcome aboard, Manuela!

01.10.2024. A huge welcome to Roberta Bove, MS in Medical, Veterinary, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Parma, to our team! Roberta will be validating fluorescent nano- and micorparticles focusing on cellular imaging and morpho-functional analysis of in vitro tumor models. Welcome aboard, Roberta!

27.09.2023. European Researchers’ Night 2024: Also this year our lab’s research was enthusiastically presented to the public at ERN Apulia Med 2024. We showed how optical sensors and three-dimensional matrices (scaffolds) are designed and developed in the laboratories of CNR-Nanotec and TecnoMedPuglia (Lecce) for treating complex diseases. Thank you very much EU for funding this great event!

17.09.2024. MNE 2024 | 50th International Micro and Nano Engineering Conference (September, 16th-199th, Montpellier, France): Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk (Title: Multifunctional Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Sensing ). Thank you very much to Prof. Angelo Accardo and to the Chairs Committee for the invitation!

09-10.09.2024. 2nd Annual Meeting of Activity 10 – Biohybrid Interfaces and Biomaterials (Mission3), Project FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics (progetto PNC0000007 realizzato con il cofinanziamento del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca nell’ambito del PNC d.d. n. 1511 del 30.09.2022) to be held at the University “Federico II” of Naples, from September 09 to 10, 2024.

27.08.2024. Our latest work on developing a ratiometric fluorescent microsensor for non-invasive optical detection and monitoring of potassium variations in cell cultures has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B (Royal Society of Chemistry). Thanks to an enthusiastic research team!

13.06.2024. 8th “Research and Nanomedicine” workshop, organized by the Università di Pavia, @Center for Health Technologies (CHT), and Operative Unit (OU) UNIPV of the 3R Center (Pavia, IT): Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk (Title: Multifunctional Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Sensing and Therapy). Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Chairs Committee for the invitation!

09.05.2024.Interview to Loretta L. del Mercato on the weekly magazine F (n.19, rubrica “RealLife”) to talk about Women in STEM. Thank you very much to Cnr and F magazine for the opportunity!

06.05.2024. Federica Carnevali, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento in Lecce (IT), started a visiting stay at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa (Italy), in the Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications Group of Dr. Teresa Pellegrino. Good luck Federica, we look forward to your achievements!

29.04.2024-29.07.2024. Francesco Colella, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento in Lecce (IT), started a 3 months ErasmusPlus funded traineeship at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland), in the Soft Condensed Matter Group of Prof. Robert Hołyst. Good luck Francesco, we look forward to your achievements!

07-08.02.2024. Annual Plenary Meeting of FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics (progetto PNC0000007 realizzato con il cofinanziamento del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca nell’ambito del PNC d.d. n. 1511 del 30.09.2022) to be held at the Università Campus Bio-Medico in Rome. Impressive engagement from the Activity 10 – Biohybrid Interfaces and Biomaterials (Mission 3) team, showcasing the latest advancements in our ongoing research endeavors!

11-12.04.2024.1st Italian Pancreatic Cancer Symposium (Padova, IT), organized by the Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community and the University of Padova. Loretta L. del Mercato and Stefania Forciniti will deliver the talks “Advanced sensing platforms for microenvironment monitoring in pancreatic cancer models” and “Non-invasive metabolism monitoring and drug screening in 3D models of PDAC”, respectively. Looking forward to attend this international bringing together researchers and clinician-scientists at the forefront of knowledge of pancreatic cancer 이클립스 자막!

04.04.2024-04.07.2024. Anna Chiara Siciliano, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento in Lecce (IT), started a 3 months ErasmusPlus funded traineeship at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München (DE), in the group of Dr. Karin Bartel and Prof. Olivia Merkel. Good luck Anna Chiara, we can’t wait to see all yours achievements in the months ahead!

03.04.2024. Our lab has been awarded a PNRR-M6C2 for the project “Handling of mesenchymal-like circulating pancreatic cancer cells as an innovative approach to restrain disease progression” coordinated by Prof. Laghi Luigi Andrea Giuseppe (Azienda ospedaliero universitaria, Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva, Emilia-Romagna), in collaboration with Depalo Nicoletta and Curri Lucia (Cnr-ICPF SS Bari), and Scavo Maria Principia (IRCCS “De Bellis”, Laboratorio Medicina Personalizzata). Thanks MUR!

20.03.2024. Round Table “Ragazze in Ste@m. Tra stereotipi e cambiamento” (Maglie, IT), organized by Istituto Comprensivo Maglie, within the Project Schools in Ste@m “OrientiAMO il FUTURO” promoted by Regione Puglia Sezione Politiche di genere in collaboration with Università del Salento. Loretta L. del Mercato will be one of the speakers. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

15.03.2024. Our guest visiting Professor Dr. Fernanda Fogagnoli Simas, Associate Professor from the Department of Cell Biology at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba – Brazil, will deliver a talk within the Seminar@NANOTEC, title: “Polysaccharides from brazilian biodiversity: antimelanoma and immunomodulatory effects on macrophages”.

19-20.02.2024. Loretta L. del Mercato will attend the “Evento annuale dell’Associazione ERCinItaly APS” in Rome (Cnr, Sala Marconi, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7) organized by ERC in Italy APS. Mentor in Session GRANTSMANSHIP (one-to-one meeting for discussing AdG Grant application).

25.01.2024. Our guest visiting Professor Dr. Carolina Camargo de Oliveira, Associate Professor from the Department of Cell Biology at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba – Brazil, will deliver a talk within the Seminar@NANOTEC, title: “Targeting metastatic melanoma phenotype with gum arabic gold nanorods nanocomposite”.

04.12.2023. Welcome back to Prof. Dr. Carolina Camargo de Oliveira, Associate Professor from the Department of Cell Biology at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba – Brazil, selected as participant for the ERC-CONFAP-CNPq call (joint proposal) to carry out a 3 months research stay in our group on the following topic: “Gum Arabic-gold nanoparticles assembly into nanofibers as tridimensional tumor cell growth platform: model development and cellular effects study”.

04.12.2023. A huge welcome to Anderson Fraga da Cruz, PhD candidate from the group of Prof. Dr. Carolina Camargo de Oliveira at UFPR in Curitiba – Brazil, granted by the CAPES-PRINT project to carry out 11 months of research training in our group on the following topic: “Nanomaterials with potential therapeutic actions on melanoma”.

23.11.2023. Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), has been awarded a special mention for innovativeness for the project “Oxygen sensing hybrid nanofibers for probing single cell metabolic fluxes in the tumor microenvironment” within the event LivingBioTech – Sharing Innovation, Caring People, “Early Bioneers” Pioneers of Life Sciences competition (c/o residence of the Belgian Ambassador (Rome, IT)). The Initiative, created with the contribution of Galapagos and with the support of the Belgian Embassy in Italy, aims to encourage the passion, visionary and enthusiasm of young generations eager to develop innovation and research in the field of LifeScienceBiotech and technologies digital applied to the sector. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

05.10.2023. 1st (interNanoBioMed @CNR Nanotec) International School of Medical Bionanotechnology and Nanomedicine to be held at the Institute of Nanotechnology of Cnr in Lecce (Italy) on September 5th, 2023: Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver the oral presentation titled “Advanced sensing platforms for environment monitoring in 3D cell systems”. Host: Dr. Stefano Leporatti. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

30.09.2022.European Researchers’ Night 2023: The INTERCELLMED-ERC team will participate by sharing its research with members of the public. We will show the synthesis of optical sensing particles and the production of 3D matrixes currently in use in the lab for the growth of miniaturized pancreatic and melanoma tumors and the study of the cell:microenvironment interactions. Looking forward to it and thank you very much EU for funding this great event!

29.09.2023. La Notte della Ricerca Biomedica II Edizione to be held in Palazzo Marchesale, Arnesano (LE) on 29 September 2023: Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver the oral presentation titled “Tumore al Pancreas e Nanotecnologie per Nuove Strategie Terapeutiche” with Dr. Marcello Spampinato, U.O.C. Director General surgery and “Pancreas Unit” of P.O. Loretta L. del Mercato will also act as the member of the jury for the Certamen, a competition between Salento’s high school students with biomedical curvature sections. Fazzi. Host: Prof. Massimo De Vittorio. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

27-29.09.2023.  LEbiotec – invito a Lecce biotecnologica, VI edition, from September 27 to 29, 2023: Federica Carnevali will deliver the oral presentation titled “Inquire the tumor microenvironment through in vitro 3D models with integrated sensing tools”. Congratulations Federica, we are very proud of you!

21-22.09.2023. 1st Annual Meeting of Activity 10 – Biohybrid Interfaces and Biomaterials (Mission3), Project FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics (progetto PNC0000007 realizzato con il cofinanziamento del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca nell’ambito del PNC d.d 포켓몬스터 썬앤문. n. 1511 del 30.09.2022) to be held at the Nanotechnology Institute of Cnr in Lecce from September 21 to 22, 2023.

19.09.2023. Joint CeNS/SFB 1032 Workshop Venice to be held in Venice International University Isola di San Servolo (Italy) from September 18 to 22, 2023: Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver the oral presentation titled “Multifunctional stimuli-responsive bioengineered systems for cancer therapy: towards precision medicine”. This workshop brings together young researchers of the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) and the Collaborative Research Center SFB1032 “Nanoagents” with experienced scientists from the fields of physics and chemistry. The talks of the workshop are intended to give the graduate students and post-doctoral researchers of CeNS and SFB1032 an overview of current research topics on nanometer-scale science. Host: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

18-21.09.2023.2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) to be held in Warsaw (Poland) from September 18 to 21, 2023: Dr Giuliana Grasso, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Multifunctional stimuli-responsive bioengineered systems for cancer therapy: towards precision medicine” in Session I01 – ref. 00262 in Symposium “I. Synthesis and characterization of functional nanocomposite materials”. Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

18-21.09.2023. 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) to be held in Warsaw (Poland) from September 18 to 21, 2023: Dr Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Design and Application of pH-Sensing Hybrid Systems for Non-Invasive Metabolism Monitoring in 3D Tumour Models” in Session I01 – ref. 00262 in Symposium “I. Synthesis and characterization of functional nanocomposite materials”. Congratulations Helena, we are very proud of you!

10-13.09.2023.EUROSENSORS, XXXV Conference, from September 10 to 13, 2023: Anna Chiara Siciliano will deliver the oral presentation titled “4D Optical Mapping of pH in 3D Cell Systems”. Congratulations Anna Chiara Siciliano, we are very proud of you!

04-08.09.2023. 224th Conference on Material Science, YUCOMAT 2023 (organized by the Materials Research Society of Serbia) to be held in Herceg Novi (Montenegro) from September 04 to 08, 2023: Francesco Colella will deliver the oral presentation titled “Design and synthesis of a fluorescent ratiometric microsensor for potassium cations tracking”. Congratulations Francesco, we are very proud of you!

04-08.09.2023.  33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2023) in Davos (Switzerland): Dr. Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Hybrid pH-sensing systems for precisely probing single-cell acidification in in vitro tumor models” in Session S2.2: “ Sensing cells and their microenvironments”. She will also co-chair the Session S7.7: “Multimodal nanobiomaterials for TERM” with Dr. Joaquim Miguel Oliveira. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you! 

04-08.09.2023.  33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2023) in Davos (Switzerland): Dr. Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Biomimetic platforms for in vitro cell growth and biomedical applications: towards precision medicine” in Session S7.2: “SSB+RM meets ESB: Programmable Biomaterials”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you! 

25.07.2023. Life Science@Nanotec (Cnr-Nanotec, Lecce): Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver the talk “Advanced platforms for environment monitoring in 3D cell systems” to show latest achievements by «3D Cell Sensing» group. Looking forward to it!

17.07.2023. A huge welcome to Ilaria Serra, MS in Molecular and Cells Biology at University of Bologna, who joined today our group! Ilaria will validate the sensing platform developed within the My First AIRC project for quantifying metabolic changes in patient-derived melanoma models. Welcome Ilaria!

04.07.2023. 4th CNR Nanotec Yearly Meeting (05-07 July, Lecce, IT): Stefania Forciniti will deliver the talk “Probing single cell fermentation fluxes and exchange networks via pH-sensing hybrid nanofibers” and Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver the talk “Research activities of CnrNanotec@Lecce: an overview”. Looking forward to it!

13.06.2023. Our review on “Fluorescent nano- and microparticles for sensing cellular microenvironment: past, present and future applications” has been published in Nanoscale Advances. Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

06.06.2023. Loretta L. del Mercato has been awarded a PRIN 2022 “Advanced Nanoengineered Materials for Automated Sensing of pH and Nutrient Dynamics in Pancreatic Cancer” in collaboration with Prof. Gennaro Napolitano (UniNA and Tigem) and Dr. Enza Lonardo (CNR-IGB). Thanks MUR!

16.05.2023. Our newest work on application of pH-sensing hybrid hydrogels for non-invasive metabolism monitoring in tumor spheroids has been published in Materials Today Bio (ELSEVIER). Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

30.05.2023. 2023 Spring Meeting – European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) to be held in Strasbourg (FR) from May 29 to June 2, 2023: Dr Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Stimuli-responsive platforms for in vitro cell growth and cancer therapy: towards precision medicine” in Session J06 – symposium J Download melon music from the iPhone. “Design and scaling up of theranostic nanoplatforms for health: towards translational studies”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you!

30.05.2023. 2023 Spring Meeting – European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) to be held in Strasbourg (FR) from May 29 to June 2, 2023: Dr Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver the oral presentation titled “Smart functional pH-sensing scaffolds for extracellular pH mapping in in vitro tumor models” in Session H04 – symposium H. “Advanced strategies for smart functional and multifunctional biomaterials and biointerfaces”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you! 

28.04.2023. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk “Nanotecnologie per la medicina di precisione” within the program “I Lincei per una nuova didattica nella scuola: una rete nazionale” organized by Fondazione “I Lincei per la Scuola” Polo della Basilicata. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

18.04.2023. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk “Fluorescence-based optical pH sensors: design strategies and applications” at the 2nd FLAMIN-GO Dissemination meeting organized within the 3rd Interim meeting of the project Flamin-Go  (Istanbul, TK). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

17-26.03.2023. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a keynote talk titled “Multifunctional Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Sensing and Therapy” within the Seminar on the Internationalization of Postgraduate Education and Research at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba (Brasil) organized by the Research and Post-Graduation Office and the International UFPR Agency of the Federal University of Paraná. Hosts Prof Carolina C de Oliveira and Prof Izabel Riegel Vidotti (UFPR). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

14.03.2023. Our work on quantifying heterogeneity to drug response in cancer-stroma kinetics by inferring cell:cell interactions and the effect of drugs on cell’s kinetics has been published in PNAS and featured as press release on CNR’s website and web. Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

08.03.2023. Beginning of a new collaboration of our group with the Hospital “Vito Fazzi” of Lecce within the research project “Generation of ex vivo models of PDAC, combining 3D bioengineered matrices and patient-derived cells, to develop and test targeted treatments”, in collaboration with UOC General Surgery, UOC Dermatology, UOC Pathological Anatomy, Plastic Surgery Unit of the Lecce PO for the collection of histological samples. Read more in the cover story published in the Newsletter N.9 Campus SaluteSalento of ASL Lecce Puglia Salute.

28.02.2023. Our work on probing single-cell fermentation fluxes and exchange networks via pH-sensing nanofibers is featured as front cover in ACS Nano! Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

01.02.2023. Our newest work on application of fluorescent pH-sensor scaffolds with constraint-based inverse modeling for non-invasive spatial metabolic flux analysis at single cell level in complex cellular systems has been published in ACS Nano and featured as press release on CNR’s website , web magazines, TV. Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

27.01.2023. Kick off meeting (c/o MIND – Milano INnovation District) of the newly MUR-funded project FIT FOR MEDICAL ROBOTICS (Fit4MedRob), a research and innovation Initiative funded by the MUR within the complementary actions to the NRRP. Fit4MedRob aims to revolutionize current rehabilitation and assistive models for people of all ages with reduced or absent motor, sensory, or cognitive functions. Such a great honor to be part of this exciting network!

20.12.2022. A huge welcome to Federica Carnevali, MS in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan, who joined today pur group! Federica will apply biofabrication methodologies and computational analyses for live imaging, cell tracking and biosensing in 3D tumor models. Welcome Federica!

16.12.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will be the external expert member for the commission of 1 PhD thesis defence: Dr. Ecem Tiryaki, International Doctoral Programme in Science and Technology of Colloids and Interphase, PhD School of the University of Vigo (Spain). Host Prof. Verónica Salgueiriño. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

05-06.12.2022.Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk (online) titled “Design and application of multifunctional stimuli-responsive systems for sensing and diagnostic” at the 7th World Congress on Nanomaterials (Dubai, UAE). Congratulations Helena, we are very proud of you!

30.11-02.12.2022.Francesco Colella, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, will deliver the talk titled “A pH-Sensor scaffold for mapping spatiotemporal gradients in three-dimensional in vitro tumour models” at the 20th Young Researchers’ Conference (Belgrade, SRB) in the Session – Biomaterials I (Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Bojana Obradović and Francesco Colella). Congratulations Francesco, we are very proud of you! 

23-25.11.2022. Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), has been awarded a travel grant (€300) to attend the course (3 session, tot 12 hours) “Dynamic modeling and statistical inference in the life sciences: philosophical and practical perspectives” organized by the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and Biofisika Institute, University of the Basque country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you! 

22-24.11.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a talk titled “3D sensing platform for single cell extracellular pH mapping in time and space: a pre-clinical model to study tumor microenvironment and drug screening” at NanoBioMed2022 International Conference (Parc Científic de Barcelona, ES). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

26-28.10.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a keynote talk titled “Ratiometric Sensing Materials for Extracellular pH Mapping at Single Cell Level in in vitro Tumour Models” at 2nd Ed. of the Sensors Technologies International conference – Sensors 2022, Athene (GR). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

18-21.10.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a talk titled “Ratiometric Sensing Materials for Intracellular and Extracellular pH Mapping at Single Cell Level in in vitro Tumour Models” at the 3rd BIOMAH Conference Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare Cnr, Rome (IT). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

13.10.2022 Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk “Scommettere sull’ERC: vincit qui patitur” within the cycle of seminars “Incontri del Giovedì” organized by Cnr-Ieiit.Thank you very much for the invitation!

03.10.2022. Stefania Forciniti INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), started a 3 months AIRC-funded short term mobility at 3B’s Research Group, I3Bs – Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, University of Minho (PG), in the group of Miguel Oliveira for the project “Characterization and validation of oxygen-sensing platforms for in vitro real-time monitoring of tumor hypoxia”. Good luck Stefania and we can’t wait to see all you achieve in the months ahead!

30.09.2022.European Researchers’ Night 2022: The INTERCELLMED-ERC team will participate by sharing its research with members of the public. will show the synthesis of optical sensing particles and the production of 3D matrixes currently in use in the lab for the growth of miniaturized pancreatic and melanoma tumors and the study of the cell:microenvironment interactions. Looking forward to it and thank you very much EU for funding this great event erwin 4.1 다운로드!

24.09.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk at the 40° National Congress FIDAPA-BPW ITALY (Hotel Tiziano, Lecce, IT). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

13.09.2022. “TecnoMedPuglia – Scientific Symposium“: the «3D Cell Sensing» team will present the posters titled “Biomimetic platforms for in vitro cell growth and cancer nanomedicine delivery” and “Ratiometric sensing devices for 3D spatio-temporal mapping in cellular microenvironments”. Congratulations everyone!

02-08.09.2022. European Society for Biomaterials 2022 (ESB2022) in Bordeaux (FR): Dr Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), has been selected as keynote speaker at ESB2022 and will deliver the talk “3D sensing scaffold for extracellular pH mapping at single cell level in tumor models”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you! 

08.08.2022. Delighted to be guest editing with Dr. Enza Lonardo the special issue on “3D Cell Culture Cancer Models: Development and Applications 2.0” in Cancers_MDPI (IF 6.162).  Please see the call here.

29.07.2022. Francesco Alemanno, got his PhD cum laude in Nanotechnology, thesis title “Neural Networks and Learning Machines: from mathematical foundation to applications in biological complexity”, at University of Salento in Lecce (Italy). We are all very proud of Francesco and wish him all the best for his career!!! 

5-6.07.2021. Francesco Colella and Loretta del Mercato will attend the FLAMIN-GO Review Meeting (Hotel Terminal, Santa Maria di Leuca, IT). We will show our latest results on sensor technology proposed in FLAMIN-GO (From pathobiology to synovia on chip: driving rheumatoid arthritis to the precision medicine goal) to read-out the local changes of pH and oxygen in the synovial and osteochondral units of autologous rheumatoid arthritis synovia-on-chips.

26-30.06.2022. The «3D Cell Sensing» team has been accepted to attend the Summer School “Life Is Chiral: biolOgical and chemical fundamentals and novel appRoaches In Chiral rEcognition” LICORICE-2022 (Lecce, 26-30 June 2022). Thank you very much to the organizing committee, looking forward to it!

17.06.2022. Anna Chiara Siciliano, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, has won the Best Poster Award (section bio) at the 1st School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials (Como, 13-17 June 2022). Congratulations Anna Chiara, we are very proud of you!

13-17.06.2022. Francesco Colella and Anna Chiara Siciliano, PhD students in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, have been selected to attend the 1st School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials (Como, 13-17 June 2022), thank you very much to the organizing committee. They will also present two posters (Titles: Highly sensitive fluorescent pH microsensors based on the ratiometric dyepyranine immobilized on SiO2 microparticles; 4D Optical Mapping of pH in 3D Cell Systems) showing latest results of INTERCELLMED-ERC research: congratulations both, we are very proud of you!

25.05.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk at the HeatnMof Magnetic Nanoparticles Workshop organized by Dr. Teresa Pellegrino at the Italian Institute of Technology (IT). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

21.05.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk at the WIN Women Event in Innovation organized by Prof. R. Rinaldi and Prof. S. Invitto at the University of Salento (Lecce, IT), within the project CALIPER (EU-H2020). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

17.05.2022. Our newest work on application of highly sensitive ratiometric optical pH sensors for precisely measuring organelle acidification via a fully automated computational approach is featured as Cover in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS Publications) and featured as press release on CNR’s website and on the web magazine “le Scienze”.Thanks to an enthusiastic research team and great collaborators!

04.05.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk at the Online Conference on Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED), organized by Dr. Claudia Tortiglione (Isasi-Cnr in Naples, IT) and Dr. María Moros (Aragón Materials Science Institute in Zaragoza, ES). Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

03-04.05.2022. Online Conference on Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED)Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “Biomimetic Platforms for in vitro Cell Growth and Cancer Nanomedicine Delivery”. Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

06.04.2022. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk at the Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares (CiQUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES) and will be the external expert member for the commission of 1 PhD thesis defence: Dr. Enrica Soprano, Doctoral Programme in Materials Science, International PhD School of the University of Santiago De Compostela (Spain). Hosts Dr. Pablo Del Pino and Dr. Beatriz Pelaz. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

17.02.2022. “IECC 2022: Tumor Microenvironment Heterogeneity in Cancer Progression: Challenge or Opportunity” (14-16.02.2022, Virtual event, Worldwide): Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), delivered a talk titled “Emerging 3D In Vitro Pancreatic Cancer Models for Tumor Heterogeneity Studies and Personalized Therapies”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you!

17.02.2022. “IECC 2022: Tumor Microenvironment Heterogeneity in Cancer Progression: Challenge or Opportunity” (14-16.02.2022, Virtual event, Worldwide): Riccardo Rizzo, Researcher at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), delivered a talk titled “3D Sensing Scaffold for Extracellular pH Mapping at Single Cell Level: a Pre-Clinical Models to Study Cancer Heterogeneity”. Congratulations Riccardo, we are very proud of you!

19.12.2021. Natale AIRC “Incontro con la Ricerca” organized by AIRC Comitato Puglia: Loretta del Mercato will show latest results of theExpect girls' day. 22902) (opens in a new tab)"> My First AIRC Grant “Nano-patterned metastatic melanoma for quantifying metabolic changes in mediated drug resistance” (No. 22902). Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Organizers for the invitation!

01.12.2021. Congratulations to Francesco Colella who started today his PhD as a ERC-funded PhD student in Nanotechnology at University of Salento in Lecce (Italy)!

01.12.2021. A huge welcome to Anna Chiara Siciliano who started with us as a TecnoMED Puglia-funded PhD student in Nanotechnology at University of Salento in Lecce (Italy)!

26.11.2021. 1st Joint Virtual Workshop SBNLab@PoliMI – INTERCELLMEDLab@CNR NANOTEC! Thanks to Prof. Metrangolo and all the SupraBioNano team for sharing their research and discussing about science with the INTERCELLMED team !

15-19.11.2021. 6th World Congress 2021 – Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS2021) Biologically inspired technology driven regenerative medicine: Francesco Colella, ERC-postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “Probing the pH microenvironment of mesenchymal stromal cell cultures on additive-manufactured scaffolds”. Congratulations Francesco, we are very proud of you!

22.10.2021. Valeria Famà, MS in Physics of Complex Systems & BS in Physical Engineering at “Politecnico di Torino” join our team as a new INTERCELLMED-ERC fellow. Valeria will apply computational methodologies for live imaging, cell tracking and biosensing in 3D tumor models. Welcome Valeria!

22.10.2021. Exciting visit of the Minister of University and Research Prof. Maria Cristina Messa at Nanotec Cnr in Lecce. It was a great pleasure to show the research activities of the Erc-StG INTERCELLMED and MFAG-AIRC teams too!

18.11.2021. “International Webinar on Material Science and Nanotechnology” (Virtual event, Worldwide): Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver an invited talk titled “Advanced nanotechnology approaches to decipher cell-materials and cell-cell interactions”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you! 

18.10.2021. “7th NANO Boston Conference | Boston – USA” (Virtual event, Worldwide): Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk titled “Multifunctional Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Sensing and Therapy”. Congratulations Helena, we are very proud of you!

08-10.11.2021. Cell Symposium: Overcoming Therapy Resistance in Cancer (Online live & On-demand): Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “3D Cancer Models and Mapping of Tumor Microenvironment (TME) Using Smart Materials”. Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

18-20.10.2021. The Early Detection of Cancer Conference – EDx2021: Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “3D in vitro Cancer Models and Development of Smart Sensing Particles as Promising Tools for Mapping Tumour Microenvironment (TME)” . Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

30.09.2021.LEbiotec, invito a Lecce biotecnologica“, Riccardo Rizzo, Researcher at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk titled “Tecniche avanzate per lo studio delle dinamiche e funzioni degli organelli intracellulari”. Full program available here. Congratulations Riccardo, we are very proud of you! 

30.09.2021.LEbiotec, invito a Lecce biotecnologica“, Valentina Onesto and Francesco Colella, will present the posters titled “Biomimetic platforms for in vitro cell growth and cancer nanomedicine delivery” and “Ratiometric sensing devices for 3D spatio-temporal mapping in cellular microenvironments”. Congratulations both, we are very proud of you!

08.06.2021. Exciting visit of the Cnr President Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza at Nanotec Cnr in Lecce. It was a great pleasure to show the research activities of the Erc-StG INTERCELLMED and MFAG-AIRC projects!

05-06.10.2021. “Goodbye Flat Biology: Next Generation Cancer Models” (Virtual event, Worldwide): Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “In vitro 3D cell culture models for studying tumor microenvironment and alternative therapies in pancreatic cancer”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you! 

30.09-01.10.2021. 3rd National “L’era delle 3R: modelli in silico, in vitro e in vivo per promuovere la ricerca traslazionale” (virtual event): Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “Promising 3D in vitro models for studying tumour heterogeneity and testing novel therapeutic approaches in pancreatic cancer”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you! 

23-25.09.2021. Alliance Against Cancer 6th Annual Meeting – New Technologies and Strategies to Fight Cancer (virtual mode): Riccardo Rizzo, Researcher at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present the poster titled “From GOLPH3 mediated oncogenesis to pH mapping in complex 3D tumor systems: advanced tools towards precision medicine” . Congratulations Riccardo, we are very proud of you!

17-18.09.2021. V-Mat2021 3rd Edition of Materials Science and Nanoscience Webinar: Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver an invited talk titled “Detection of Biomarkers Involved in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Study of Tumour Microenvironment (TME) Employing Innovative Smart Sensing Tools” . Giuliana will be also the webinar’s moderator. Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

06-08.09.2021. BACR – Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy – Virtual Conference: Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver an oral talk titled “3D Cancer Models and Mapping of Tumour Microenvironment (TME) Using Smart Materials” . Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

13-17.09.2021. International Meet and Expo on Nanotechnology – Nanomeet 2021: Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver an invited talk titled “Promising nanotechnology tools for studying cell-substrate and cell-cell interactions in neurological diseases and osteo-regeneration”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

27.08.2021. Our latest study “Co-loading of Doxorubicin and Iron Oxide Nanocubes in Polycaprolactone Fibers for Combining Magneto-Thermal and Chemotherapeutic Effects on Cancer Cells” on magnetic fiber scaffolds as biomimetic platform for effective delivery of cancer nanomedicines to metastatic melanoma cells has been published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (ELSEVIER), in collaboration with Dr. Teresa Pellegrino. Thanks for such great collaboration!

14.08.2021. Our latest study “Electrospun polyvinyl-alcohol/gum arabic nanofibers: Biomimetic platform for in vitro cell growth and cancer nanomedicine delivery” on active composite nanofibers as biomimetic platform for effective delivery of cancer nanomedicines to metastatic melanoma cells has been published in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (ELSEVIER), in collaboration with Prof Carolina Camargo de Oliveira. Thanks Prof. Camargo de Oliveira for such interesting collaboration!

07.08.2021. Our newest work on synthesis of highly sensitive ratiometric optical pH sensors suitable for studying cell metabolism is featured as Cover Profile in Chemistry –A European Journal (Wiley-VCH). Thanks to an enthusiastic research team!

16-17.07.2021. V-Nano2021 2nd Edition of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Virtual: Giuliana Grasso, MFAG-AIRC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a keynote talk titled “Synthesis and characterization of sensing platforms for analysis of biomarkers involved in neurodegenerative and cancer disorders”. Congratulations Giuliana, we are very proud of you!

15.07.2021. Giovanni Buonfrate, MSc Student in Biomedical Engineering at “Politecnico di Torino” join our team as a new MSc student 그리고 안녕 다운로드. Giovanni will apply computational methodologies for live imaging and biosensing in 3D tumor models. Welcome Giovanni!

07.07.2021. Our latest work on Highly Sensitive Fluorescent pH Microsensors Based on the Ratiometric Dye Pyranine Immobilized on Silica Microparticles has been published in Chemistry — A European Journal (WILEY-VCH)! Thanks to an enthusiastic research team!

30.06.2021. Virtual Conference “ACTC-Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture 2021“: Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk titled “3D in vitro pancreatic cancer models for studying stroma-tumor cell interactions and alternative therapeutic strategies”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you! 

23-25.06.2021.Nanotech France 2021, International Nanotech and Nanoscience Conference and Exhibition, Paris (France): Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk titled “Novel applications of nanobiotechnology to decipher cell-materials and cell-cell interactions”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

10.06.2021.Interview to Loretta L. del Mercato on Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno to talk about the My First AIRC Grant “Nano-patterned metastatic melanoma for quantifying metabolic changes in mediated drug resistance”.

03.06.2021. Interview to Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), about her research activities for the webpage “Researcher of the Month” of the I-PCC (Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community), the Italian community that brings together scientists in the fields of basic and translation pancreatic cancer research. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you!

18.06.2021.  Online Conference “3D Cell Culture & Organoids in Microfluidic Chips”Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk titled “Probing the pH microenvironment in 3D cell culture systems with high spatio-temporal resolution”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

15.04.2021. Our research within the INTERCELLMED-ERC project has been mentioned in an article dedicated to the new nominated President of the CNR Prof. Maria Rosaria Carrozza and published on the Italian newspaper la Repubblica – Bari. Thank you to Prof. Luisa Torsi for citing us!

16-17.04.2021. Webinar on Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Research (April 16-17, 2021): Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a keynote presentation titled “3D in vitro pancreatic cancer models for studying tumor microenvironment and personalized drug therapies”. Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you!

14.04.2021. Alessandra Gabriele, MSc Student in Biology at University of Salento, who joined our INTERCELLMED-ERC team to carry on an experimental thesis, will defend her Master’s thesis titled “Study and quantification of cell:cell interactions between tumor and stroma cells of pancreas, in the presence and absence of chemotherapy”. Congratulations Alessandra, we are very proud of you!

12.04.2021. Meeting on Advances and Challenges in Nanomedicine (April 12-13, 2021): Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a oral talk titled “Effective Optical Ratiometric Microsensors for pH Mapping in Microenvironment of 3D in vitro Systems”. Congratulations Helena, we are very proud of you!

09.04.2021. Loretta L. del Mercato is part of the newborn Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community I-PCC, the first Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community that brings together scientists in the field of basic and translational pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to Fondazione Nadia Valsecchi for supporting us in realizing this new project!

23.02.2021. Our latest work “The Revolutionary Roads to Study Cell–Cell Interactions in 3D In Vitro Pancreatic Cancer Models” has been published in Cancers, in collaboration with Dr Bruno Sainz Jr and Dr Enza Lonardo. Thanks to great collaborators!

24.02.2021. 2nd Webinar on Material Science and Nanotechnology (February 24-25, 2021): Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a keynote presentation titled “Advanced nanotechnology approaches for inferring cell–cell interaction”. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

4-5.02.2021. Kick off meeting of the newly EU-funded project FLAMIN-GO a project aimed at developing an organ-on-a-chip technology for clinical trials on rheumatoid arthritis. Such a great honor to be part of this exciting network!

04.02.2021. Interview to our research group for Tgr Rai Puglia (min 11:33) about our AIRC-funded MFAG project “Nano-patterned metastatic melanoma for quantifying metabolic changes in mediated drug resistance” at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce. Thanks!

28.11.2020. Interview (min 10:00) to Loretta L. del Mercato on the INTERCELLMED-ERC project and on the role of women in science. Honored to be hosted together with the great scientist Amalia Ercoli-Finzi. Thank you to the Program “Milledonne e un uomo” Radio Rai2 for the nice opportunity.

27.10.2020. Our work “Microgel-based in vitro tumoroid platform for real time assessment of drug sensitivity and resistance”, was successfully presented as poster at the 1st International Workshop on Emerging and Disruptive next-Generation Technologies for POC (EDGE-Tech) (26-31 Oct 2020) by Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT). Congratulations Anil!

27.10.2020. Our work “Probing the pH Microenvironment of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures on Additive-Manufactured Scaffolds” in collaboration with Lorenzo Moroni, was successfully presented as poster at the 1st International Workshop on Emerging and Disruptive next-Generation Technologies for POC (EDGE-Tech) (26-31 Oct 2020) by Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT). Congratulations Helena!

25.11.2020. Our latest work “Optical and magnetic resonance imaging approaches for investigating the tumour microenvironment: state-of-the-art review and future trends” has been published in IOP Publishing | Nanotechnology Journal, in collaboration with Dr Erika Parasido, Prof Chris Albanese and Prof Olga Rodriguez. Thanks to great collaborators!

19.11.2020. Interview of Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), on “Il Quotidiano – Potenza” newspaper to describe the aims and scope of the ERC-Starting Grant Project “INTERCELLMED”.

19.11.2020. Rai TgR Basilicata, interview for the “World Pancreatic Cancer Day” to Helena Iuele, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), to describe the aims and scope of the ERC-Starting Grant Project “INTERCELLMED”.

02.11.2020. A huge welcome to Giuliana Grasso from Department of Biomedical Science at Malmö University (Sweden) who started with us as a AIRC-funded postdoc research fellow!

02.11.2020. Our latest study “Beyond gold nanoparticles cytotoxicity: Potential to impair metastasis hallmarks” on intrinsic antitumor potential of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles stabilized by the polysaccharide gum arabic has been published in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, in collaboration with Prof Izabel CristinaRiegel-Vidotti and Prof Carolina Camargo de Oliveira. Thanks to great research teams!

28.10.2020. Delighted to be guest editing with Dr Enza Lonardo and Dr Bruno Sainz the special issue on “Pancreatic Cancer: From Molecular Basis to Therapy” in International Journal of Molecular Sciences_MDPI (IF 4.556) 용하형경. You are very welcome to send in your work until 30 April 2021. Please see the call here.

28.10.2020. Dr. Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will deliver a talk “Development of silica microparticles based fluorescent sensors for real-time in vitro microenvironment monitoring of pancreatic cancer spheroids” within the cyle of NANOTEC Cnr Instiute’s seminars!

21.10.2020. Our work “Probing the pH Microenvironment of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures on Additive-Manufactured Scaffolds” in collaboration with Lorenzo Moroni, was successfully presented as poster at the virtual EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Organoids: Modelling Organ Development and Disease in 3D Culture (21-24 Oct 2020) by Helena Iuele. Congratulations Helena!

21.10.2020. Our work “Microgel-based in vitro pancreatic tumor platform for real time assessment of drug efficacy” was successfully presented as poster at the virtual EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Organoids: Modelling Organ Development and Disease in 3D Culture (21-24 Oct 2020) by Dr. Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT). Congratulations Anil!

25.09.2020. LeBiotec2020 – Workshop su Ricerca e Innovazione nelle Biotecnologie (Unisalento, Lecce): Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk (Title: Istituto CNR-Nanotec e progetto TecnoMED Puglia). Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Chairs Committee for the invitation! 

23.09.2020. Our latest interview for Tg3-RAI about the research activities carried out within the ERC-INTERCELLMED project!

15.09.2020. Our newest work on recent advances of electrospun fibers in the field of cancer research is featured as a cover picture in Biomaterials Science – RSC (18/2020). Thanks to a great research team!

14.09.2020. A huge welcome to Stefania Forciniti from Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan (IT) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

01.09.2020. A huge welcome to Valentina Onesto from IIT- Italian Institute of Technology in Napoli (IT) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

27.08.2020. Our work on probing the pH of mesenchymal stromal cell cultures on additive manufactured scaffolds is featured as a cover picture in SmallWiley-VCH (Small 34/2020). Great job Nanotec-CNR (IT) and MERLN-Maastricht University (NL) teams!

24.08.2020. Our newest review on recent advances of electrospun biomaterials in the field of cancer research has been just published in Biomaterials Science ©The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020. Thanks to a great research team!

21.07.2020. Our work presented at the ‘AACR Annual Meeting 2020 ‘Turning Science into Lifesaving Care’ has been published highlighted as press release with the article “In vitro tumor microenvironment sensing: one step closer to personalized medicine” by Chandra, A.; Prasad, S.; Gigli, G.; del Mercato, L.L. on the web magazine Nanomed Zone!

12.07.2020. Our latest work on Probing the pH Microenvironment of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures on Additive‐Manufactured Scaffolds has been published in Small © 1999-2020 John Wiley & Sons, in collaboration with Lorenzo Moroni! Thanks to great research teams!

30.07.2020. A huge welcome to Riccardo Rizzo from IBBC-CNR in Naples (IT) who started with us as permanent CNR Researcher!

23.06.2020. Our study on A synergic approach to enhance long-term culture and manipulation of MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic cancer spheroids has been published in Scientific Reports © Springer Nature, in collaboration with Enza Lonardo! Thanks to great research teams!

15.06.2020. A huge welcome to Francesco Colella from University of Pavia (IT) who started with us as a ERC-funded research fellow!

22.06.2020.  Our work “Microgel-based in vitro tumoroid platform for real time assessment of drug sensitivity and resistance“, in collaboration with Enza Lonardo, Adriano Barra, Erika Parasido and Chris Albanese, was successfully presented as virtual poster at the AACR Annual Meeting II “Turning Science into Lifesaving Care” (June 22-24, 2020) by Dr. Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT). Congratulations Anil!

22.06.2020.  Our work “Gene expression studies using microgel embedded pancreatic cancer spheroids“, in collaboration with Enza Lonardo, Erika Parasido and Chris Albanese, was successfully presented as virtual poster at the AACR Annual Meeting II “Turning Science into Lifesaving Care” (June 22-24, 2020) by Saumya Prasad. Congratulations Saumya!

08.06.2020. A huge welcome to Helena Iuele from University of Waikato (New Zeland) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

07.03.2020. Dr. Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), have been selected to receive an American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Scholar-in-Training Award (USD $2000) for the  ‘AACR Annual Meeting 2020 ‘Turning Science into Lifesaving Care’, originally scheduled for April 24-29 in San Diego, California, to present his work “Microgel-based in vitro tumoroid platform for real time assessment of drug sensitivity and resistance”. Congratulations Anil, we are very proud of you!

03.03.2020.  Our work “Quantifying stroma-tumor cell interactions in three-dimensional cell culture systems”, in collaboration with Enza Lonardo, Adriano Barra, Erika Parasido and Chris Albanese, was successfully presented at the AACR Special Conference on “The Evolving Landscape of Cancer Modeling” in San Diego (California). Congratulations everyone!

06.02.2020. Alessandra Gabriele join our team as a new MSc student in Biology. Alessandra will study the cell viability and proliferation of 3-dimensional (3D) spheroid co-culture of pancreatic cancer cryopreserved under different conditions. Welcome Alessandra!

15.01.2020. Dr. Marta Cavo, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), have been selected to receive an American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Scholar-in-Training Award (USD $625) for the AACR Special Conference on “The Evolving Landscape of Cancer Modeling” to be held on 2-5 March 2020 in San Diego (California), where she will present the work “Quantifying stroma-tumor cell interactions in three-dimensional cell culture systems”. Congratulations Marta, we are very proud of you!

13.01.2019. Delighted to be guest editing with Dr. Erika Parasido the special issue on “3D Cell Culture Cancer Models: Development and Applications” in Cancers_MDPI (IF 6.162). You are very welcome to send in your work until 31 July 2020. Please see the call here download ms subscribers.

10.12.2019. Welcome back to Prof. Dr. Carolina Camargo de Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR, Brazil) who will work in our labs again for one intense week!

02.12.2019. Loretta L. del Mercato has been awarded a My First AIRC Grant (MFAG). Thanks AIRC!

18.11.2019. Welcome to Prof. Izabel Cristina Riegel-Vidotti who is Professor of Physical-Chemistry at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR (Brazil), and expert in polysaccharides as green platforms for the building-up of intelligent materials. This year she has been selected as participant for the CAPES / PrInt call, a funding action to support institutional projects for internationalization, and will be our guest at CNR-Nanotec for two weeks!

05.11.2019. Call 2019 for Visits of non-EU based researchers to ERC projects is open. The INTERCELLMED group welcome applications from non-European researchers to visits our lab!

01.11.2019. Welcome to Sabrina Hochheim, visiting PhD student from the Department of Chemistry at Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba – Brazil. She will carry out a 6 months research stay in our labs at CNR-Nanotec to work on the following topic: “Nanoencapsulation of propolis for biomedical application” with work plan entitle “Alginate-Chitosan Nanogel loaded with propolis: an additive of interest for 3D tumor cell cultures”.

03.10.2019. LeBiotec2019: Convegno scientifico dei giovani ricercatori “Ricerca e innovazione delle Biotecnologie: Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk (Title: “Le nanotecnologie e la medicina di precisione per lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli cellulari in 3D per studiare il cancro”). Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Chairs Committee for the invitation!

27.09.2019. European Researchers’ Night 2019: The INTERCELLMED-ERC team will participate by sharing its research with members of the public. We will show the synthesis of fluorescent sensing nanoparticles, the production of electrospun fibrous membranes and hydrogels currently in use in our lab for the growth of in vitro 3D pancreatic tumor models and the study of the microenvironment. Looking forward to it and thank you very much EU for funding this great event!

22-25.09.2019. 4th CNR Nanotec Yearly Meeting (Latina, IT): Dr. Marta Cavo and Dr. Anil Chandra, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdocs fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present two posters (Titles: Advances in pancreatic cancer spheroids formation: the case of MiaPaCa-2 cell line; Fluorescent Silica-co-PDMS microparticles for dissolved oxygen sensing) showing latest results of INTERCELLMED-ERC research: congratulations!

20.09.2019. 83^ Fiera del Levante “Science Coffee. Tre scienziate si raccontano”: Loretta del Mercato will be one of the speakers with Luisa Torsi and Eva Degl’Innocenti. Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Organizers for the invitation!

16.09.2019. A huge welcome to Saumya Prasad from IIT Guwahati (INDIA) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

19.07.2019. Francesca Serio, defensed her PhD thesis “Novel electrospun fiber architectures for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications” at University of Salento in Lecce (Italy). We are all very proud of Francesca and wish her all the best for her career!!! 

03.07.2019. Interview to Loretta L. del Mercato for the official film of ISMSC2019, with Bernard Lucas FERINGA and James Fraser STODDART, 2016 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. Thank you very much to the ISMSC2019 Organizers for such a great opportunity!

18.06.2019. Interview to Loretta L. del Mercato on INTERCELLMED-ERC project for the on line web magazine “Scienza in rete”.

02-06.06.2019. 14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC2019): Dr. Anil Chandra and Dr. Marta Cavo, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), will present two posters (Titles: Cell microenvironment mapping using fluorescent silica microparticles; Quantitative Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy in Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Systems) showing latest results of INTERCELLMED-ERC research: congratulations!

02-06.06.2019. 14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC2019): Loretta L. del Mercato will be member of the local organizing committee for this amazing conference, which will be held in Lecce, Italy on June 2-6, 2019 and will include two lectures from the 2016 Nobel Laureates in ChemistryBernard Lucas FERINGA and James Fraser STODDART. Such a great honor!

02-03.05.2019. Nanomedicine 2019 (Milan, IT):Loretta L Revit 2018 Hangul. del Mercato will deliver an invited talk (Title: Multifunctional Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Sensing and Therapy: Towards Precision Medicine). Looking forward to it and thank you very much to the Chairs Committee for the invitation!  

31.05.2019. Dr. Marta Cavo, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT) has been Prized with the Scholarship “Salvatore Venuta 2019” awarded by Accademia di Gagliato delle Nanoscienze: congratulations!

29.03.2019. Today, we said goodbye to Prof. Dr. Carolina Camargo de Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil) who joined us for a 3 months visiting research stay within the ERC-CONFAP-CNPq Programme (joint project title “Gum Arabic-gold nanoparticles assembly into nanofibers as tridimensional tumor cell growth platform: model development and cellular effects study”). Coming from a biomolecular background, she was introduced to the world of nanotechnology and biomaterial science in our lab. We wish to host her soon again to do new exciting science together!

18.03.2019. Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato for the TV Show “Prima dell’Alba” (Rai 3).

08.03.2019. STEM, un gioco da ragazze – La nuova sfida delle pari opportunità (Bari, IT):  Loretta L. del Mercato will be one of the speakers at the round table on women in science, organized by Regione Apulia with PoliBa, UniBa, UniFG and UniSalento. Looking forward to it and thank you very much for the invitation!

08.03.2019. Women’s Day: Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato for the on line web magazine Xinhuanet.

01.03.2019. A huge welcome to Francesco Alemanno who started with us as a ERC-funded PhD student in Nanotechnology at University of Salento in Lecce (Italy)!

29-31.10.2018. 3rd CNR Nanotec Yearly Meeting (Alberobello, IT):Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a talk “Multifunctional materials for sensing and therapy”. Looking forward to it!

10.12.2018. Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato and the INTERCELLMED-ERC team for the TV Show “Vita da Ricercatore” (Researcher’s Life) [Rai Scuola] with Davide Coero Borga.

12.10.2018. Kick off meeting of the INTERCELLMED-ERC project at the CNR-Nanotec with our collaborators Dr. Amalia Azzariti and Dr. Letizia Porcelli from ISTITUTO TUMORI “GIOVANNI PAOLO II” in Bari (Italy) and Prof Adriano Barra from University of Salento in Lecce (Italy). Let’s start!

10.09.2018. A huge welcome to Dr Marta Cavo from IEIIT Institute of Genoa (Italy) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

07.08.2018. A huge welcome to Francesca Serio from University of Salento in Lecce (Italy) who started with us her third year of PhD!

05.07.2018. A huge welcome to Dr. Anil Chandra from IIT New Dehli (INDIA) who started with us as a ERC-funded postdoc research fellow!

30.05.2018. Today we said goodbye to Tayyaba Batool who got the certificate for her successful internship in our lab with a fellowship of the INTER-ASIA project at UniSalento: We are all very proud of Tayyaba and wish her all the best for her career!

11.05.2018. Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato about the new Technopole for Precision Medicine “TecnoMED” at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (Rai TgR Puglia; GR-Rai Puglia).

02.02.2018. A huge welcome to Tayyaba Batool from National University of Sciences and Technology (Islamabad, Pakistan) who started with the INTERCELLMED-ERC team at CNR-Nanotec her 3-months internship with a fellowship from the INTER-ASIA project of UniSalento

01.02.2018. Official start date of the ERC-Starting project INTERCELLMED!

2017. Press release and video related to the ERC-Starting Grant-2017 INTERCELLMED award.

12.10.2017. Interview (live) of Loretta L. del Mercato at Rai1 Unomattina to talk about her ERC-Starting Grant-2017 award.

25.09.2017: Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato on Il Denaro to talk about the ERC-Starting Grant award.

15.09.2017. Interview (live) of Loretta L. del Mercato at Rai3 Agorà to talk about her ERC-Starting Grant-2017 award.

15.09.2017. Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato on Il Mattino to talk about the ERC-Starting Grant award.

13.09.2017. Interview of Loretta L. del Mercato on Corriere della Sera to talk about the ERC-Starting Grant INTERCELLMED (Sensing CELL-cell INTERaction heterogeneity in 3D tumor models: towards precision MEDicine).

13.07.2017. Loretta L. del Mercato has been awarded an ERC-Starting grant. Thanks ERC!

20.03.2014. Loretta L. del Mercato will deliver a seminar “From Asimov submarine to intelligent nanomaterials: the nanotechnologies in medicine” at the High School “Antonio Calamo” in Ostuni (IT), within the educational project “Scientists and Students” promoted by the Press Office of CNR (Dr 킹스맨 1. Rita Bugliosi), in collaboration with MIUR.

01.04.2012. Loretta L. del Mercato has been awarded the TR35-Young Innovators prize. Thank you MIT Technology Review!! (press release).