January 12, 2025. Scientific Exchange Day CNR NANOTEC – NICO University of Torino.

November 21st, 2024. Also this year our team celebrate the World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2024! November is the “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month”. A month to learn more about the risk factors for pancreatic cancer 💜 It’s about time!

September 27th, 2024. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team participated once again at European Researchers Night Apulia (ERN 2024): Science unites and inspires! We are honored to be part of this extraordinary European project, contributing to a wonderful journey of discovery, sparking curiosity and knowledge!

September 09-10th, 2022. 2nd Annual Activity 10 – Biohybrid Interfaces and Biomaterials (Mission3), Project FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics: inspiring time for discussing with all members of Activity 10 about cerrent progress of the project’s activities and new collaborations!

May 12th, 2024. This year too, our team was proud to support AIRC – Fondazione AIRC per la Ricerca sul Cancro, which, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, made the day even brighter with its beautiful “Azalea della Ricerca”, adorning a remarkable 3,500 squares throughout Italy! Organized by AIRC Comitato Puglia (Piazza San Pietro, Galatina, LE). Great team work!

May 6th, 2024. Congratulations to Federica Carnevali, our esteemed PhD student in Nanotechnologies at the at the Scuola di dottorato – Unisalento and Cnr – Istituto di Nanotecnologia who has begun an exciting visit to Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, working with Dr. Teresa Pellegrino‘s Nanomaterials for Biological Applications group. This visit is a key part of our collaborative research within the AIRC – The Italian Foundation for Cancer Research IG2023 project led by Dr. Teresa Pellegrino pcb editor 다운로드. Best of luck Federica — we eagerly anticipate your achievements and contributions to this innovative research!

May 5th, 2024. Interview to Loretta L. del Mercato on the weekly magazine F (n.19, rubrica “RealLife”) to talk about Women in STEM. Thank you very much to Cnr and F magazine for the opportunity!
April, 2024. Congratulations to our esteemed PhD students in Nanotechnology at the Scuola di dottorato – Unisalento and Cnr – Istituto di Nanotecnologia, embarking on a thrilling journey of a 3-months EU Erasmus Plus funded traineeship. Anna Chiara Siciliano joined Dr. Karin Bartel and Prof. Olivia Merkel‘s group at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), while Francesco Colella joined Dr. Tomasz Andryszewski and Prof. Robert Holyst‘s group at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland). Best of luck—we can’t wait to see your achievements.

11-12 April 2024. What an extraordinary experience to attend the 1st Pancreatic Cancer Symposium (Palazzo Bo, Padova), an international meeting that brought together researchers and clinician-scientists at the forefront of knowledge of pancreatic cancer. Organized by the Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community and the University of Padova with the support of Fondazione Nadia Valsecchi.

20th December 2023. Today, we had a wonderful time celebrating at the Nanotechnology Institute! It was a joyous occasion filled with exchanging thoughtful gifts and heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas to all members of our group. Wishing everyone happiness and prosperity this holiday season!

November 23th, 2023. Congratulations to Dr Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), for being awarded a special mention for innovativeness within the event LivingBioTech – Sharing Innovation, Caring People, “Early Bioneers” Pioneers of Life Sciences competition (c/o residence of the Belgian Ambassador (Rome, IT)) pierrot le fou 다운로드. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

November 16th, 2023. Also this year the «3D Cell Sensing» research group celebrate the World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2023! It’s about time!

September 29th, 2023. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team participated once again at European Researchers Night Apulia (ERN 2023): A wonderful way for researchers to communicate the work they do to members of the public!

September 29th, 2023. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team participated to La Notte della Ricerca Biomedica II Edizione (c/o Palazzo Marchesale, Arnesano (LE)): unique opportunity to discuss about latest advances of nanotechnologies for biomedical applications!

September 28th, 2023. Congratulations to Federica Carnevali, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, for being selected speaker at the LEbiotec – invito a Lecce biotecnologica, VI edition (27-29 September 2023, Lecce). Congratulations Federica, we are very proud of you!

September 21-22th, 2023. Activity 10 – Biohybrid Interfaces and Biomaterials (Mission3), Project FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics, 1st Meeting at Cnr-Nanotec of Lecce: inspiring time for discussing with all members of Activity 10 about project’s activities and new collaborations!

September 19th, 2023. Congratulations to Giuliana Grasso and Helena Iuele for being selected speakers at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Warsaw (Poland) from September 18 to 21, 2023. Congratulations Giuliana and Helena, we are very proud of you!

18th September 2023. Exciting participation of Loretta L. del Mercato to the Joint CeNS/SFB 1032 Workshop Venice (at the Venice International University Isola di San Servolo (Italy)) for delivering the oral presentation “Multifunctional stimuli-responsive bioengineered systems for cancer therapy: towards precision medicine”. Thank you very much Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel for the invitation and kind hospitality!

September 12th, 2023. Congratulations to Anna Chiara Siciliano, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, for being selected speaker at the EUROSENSORS, XXXV Conference (10-13 September 2023, Lecce). Congratulations Anna Chiara, we are very proud of you!

September 4th, 2023. Congratulations to Francesco Colella, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, for being selected speaker at the 224th Conference on Material Science, YUCOMAT 2023 (organized by the Materials Research Society of Serbia). Congratulations Francesco, we are very proud of you!

September 4-8, 2023. Congratulations to Stefania Forciniti and Valentina Onesto for being selected speakers at the 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB2023) (Davos, Switzerland). Congratulations Stefania and Valentina, we are very proud of you!
May 30th, 2023. Congratulations to Stefania Forciniti and Valentina Onesto for being selected speakers at the 2023 Spring Meeting – European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) (Strasbourg (FR) from May 29 to June 2, 2023). Congratulations Stefania, we are very proud of you!
May 14th, 2023. Our team participated again to the national “Azalea della Ricerca” day to support research on cancer. Organized by AIRC Comitato Puglia (Piazza San Pietro, Galatina, LE) Download The Master's. Great team work!

March 8th, 2023. Beginning of a new collaboration of our group with the Hospital “Vito Fazzi” of Lecce within the research project “Generation of ex vivo models of PDAC, combining 3D bioengineered matrices and patient-derived cells, to develop and test targeted treatments”, in collaboration with UOC General Surgery, UOC Dermatology, UOC Pathological Anatomy, Plastic Surgery Unit of the Lecce PO for the collection of histological samples. We are very excited about this new opportunity!

March 2023. Exciting visit to the group of Prof Carolina C de Oliveira and Prof Izabel Riegel Vidotti at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba (Brasil) within the “Internationalization of Postgraduate Education and Research” program organized by the Research and Post-Graduation Office and the International UFPR Agency of the Federal University of Paraná. Thank you very much for the invitation and kind hospitality!

November 17th, 2022. We produced in the lab purple-like 3D sensing hydrogels to remember it is the World Pancreatic Cancer Day! Developing within the ERC-StG INTERCELLMED new technologies for non-invasive sensing of tumor-stroma interactions in non-animal alternative models of PDAC.
November 2022. Congratulations to Dr Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), for being awarded a travel grant to attend the course “Dynamic modeling and statistical inference in the life sciences: philosophical and practical perspectives” organized by the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and Biofisika Institute, University of the Basque country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. Congratulations Valentina, we are very proud of you!

October – December 2022. Congratulations to Dr Stefania Forciniti, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), for being granted a 3 months AIRC-funded short term fellowship to visit the group of Miguel Oliveira at 3B’s Research Group, I3Bs – Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, University of Minho. We are very proud of you!

September 30th, 2022. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team once again at European Researchers Night Apulia (ERN 2022): A wonderful way for researchers to communicate the work they do to members of the public!

September 13th, 2022. Poster session at “TecnoMedPuglia – Scientific Symposium“ (Nanotechnology Institute of Cnr, Lecce, IT).

September 5th, 2022. Congratulations to Dr Valentina Onesto, INTERCELLMED-ERC senior postdoc fellow at CNR-Nanotec in Lecce (IT), for being selected keynote speaker at the ESB2022! We are very proud of you!

July 29th, 2022. PhD Thesis defense in “Nanotechnology” of Francesco Alemanno at University of Salento in Lecce (IT). We are all very proud of Francesco and wish you good luck for your next step!!!

July 5-6th, 2022. FLAMIN-GO 1st Review Meeting (Hotel Terminal, Santa Maria di Leuca, IT): inspiring time, in a beautiful location, for discussing with all members of the FLAMIN-GO consortium about project’s data and new collaborations!

June 17th, 2022. Anna Chiara Siciliano, PhD student in Nanotechnology at UniSalento, has won the Best Poster Award (section bio) at the 1st School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials (Como, 13-17 June 2022). Congratulations Anna Chiara, we are very proud of you!

April 24-25th, 2022. Great project’s meeting and professional organization with many inspiring speakers at the HeatnMof Magnetic Nanoparticles Workshop (Italian Institute of Technology, IT). Hosted by my dear friend and colleague Dr. Teresa Pellegrino!
May 8th, 2022. Our team participated with great enthusiasm to the “Azalea della Ricerca” day to support research on cancer. Organized by AIRC Comitato Puglia (Piazza San Pietro, Galatina, LE). Great team work!

April 5th-6th, 2022 도박묵시록 다구리. Exciting visit at the Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares (CiQUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (UCS) (ES) as speaker and as PhD jury’s member, with M. Oliveira (from the I3BS, Univ. of Minho) and S. Barbosa Fernandez (from the UCS). Hosted by my dear friends and colleagues Dr. Pablo Del Pino and Dr. Beatriz Pelaz!

December 19th, 2021. Natale AIRC “Incontro con la Ricerca” organized by AIRC Comitato Puglia.

November 26th, 2021. 1st Joint Virtual Workshop SBNLab@PoliMI – INTERCELLMEDLab@CNR NANOTEC.

November 11th, 2021. Exciting visit of the President of Cnr Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza together with the President of Superior Council of Health (ISS) Prof. Franco Locatelli and the President of Apulia Region Michele Emiliano at Nanotec Cnr and TecnoMED Puglia laboratories.

October 22nd, 2021. Exciting visit of the Minister of University and Research Prof. Maria Cristina Messa at Nanotec Cnr in Lecce.

September 30th, 2021. Poster session at “LEbiotec, invito a Lecce biotecnologica” (University of Salento, Lecce, IT).

June 8th, 2021. Exciting visit of the Cnr President Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza at Nanotec Cnr in Lecce.

April 14th, 2021. Ms Thesis defense in Biology of Alessandra Gabriele at University of Salento in Lecce (IT). It was a great pleasure to host you in our lab! We are all very proud of Alessandra and wish you good luck for your next step!!!

November 19th, 2020. We took a group photo in the lab today wearing purple ribbons, to remember the World Pancreatic Cancer Day. Working to develop new tools for sensing cell-cell interactions in PDAC!

September 28th, 2020. Loretta’s talk at LeBiotec2020 – Workshop su Ricerca e Innovazione nelle Biotecnologie (University of Salento, Lecce, IT).

March, 2020. Our work “Quantifying stroma-tumor cell interactions in three-dimensional cell culture systems”, was successfully presented at the AACR Conference “The Evolving Landscape of Cancer Modeling” (San Diego, California, 2-5 March 2020). Well done @Marta Cavo and @Erika Parasido!

December, 2019. Christmas party at Cnr-Nanotec: lovely time!
October 3rd, 2019. Loretta’s talk at LeBiotec2019: Convegno sullo stato delle biotecnologie nel territorio
“L’ecosistema delle biotecnologie” (University of Salento, Lecce, IT).

September, 2019 naturally 7. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team at European Researchers Night Apulia 2019 (ERN 2019): A wonderful way for researchers to communicate their work to members of the public!
September, 2019. Honoured to be invited to speak with Prof. Luisa Torsi and Dr. Eva Degl’Innocenti at the 83^ Fiera del Levante “Science Coffee. Tre scienziate si raccontano” . Thank you very much to the Organizers for the invitation!

September, 2019. Group photos at the 4th Nanotec Yearly Meeting (Sabaudia, LT): wonderful time together discussing Science in a beautiful location!
July, 2019. PhD Thesis defense in Physics and Nanoscience of Francesca Serio at University of Salento in Lecce (IT).We are all very proud of Francesca and wish you good luck for your next step!!!
(from left: F. Alemanno, M. Cavo, A. Chandra, E. D’Amone, F. Serio, L.L. del Mercato)
June, 2019. Group photos at the ISMSC2019 (14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry)!
Marta Cavo presenting her poster at ISMSC2019 Anil Chandra presenting his poster at ISMSC2019 Anil Chandra and Marta Cavo with James FRASER STODDART, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, at ISMSC2019 social dinner!
May, 2019. Attending the NANOGAGLIATO2019 Conference with Marta Cavo, INTERCELLMED-ERC postdoc, prized with the “Salvatore Venuta 2019” fellowship: thank you Accademia di Gagliato!
Award “Salvatore Venuta 2019 fellowship” assignment to Marta Cavo (from left: P. Ferrari, M. Cavo, F. Venuta)
May, 2019. Group photo at TERAMETANANO-4 International Conference, attending the general public talk of Prof. Massimo Inguscio (President of CNR) at the Roman Theater in Lecce!

May, 2019 Go out and download yes. Loretta’s talk at Nanomedicine 2019 Conference (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, IT).

March, 2019. Farewell dinner for Prof. Dr. Carolina de Oliveira from Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil: thanks for visiting us!
March, 2019. Group photo at CNR-Nanotec with our visiting Prof. Dr. Carolina de Oliveira (UFPR, Brazil).

March, 2019. Backstage photos of the INTERCELLMED-ERC team interviewed for the TV Show “Prima dell’Alba” (Rai 3).
March, 2019. Group photo with Prof. Marisa Forcina in Bari for the project organized by Regione Apulia with PoliBa, UniBa, UniFG and UniSalento: thank you very much for the invitation!

March, 2019: Happy birthday Marta Cavo and thanks for the sweets…delicious!

December, 2018. Backstage photos of the INTERCELLMED-ERC team interviewed for the TV Show “Vita da Ricercatore” (Researcher’s Life) [Rai Scuola].
October, 2018. Group photo of the INTERCELLMED-ERC team at 3rd CNR Nanotec Yearly Meeting (Alberobello, IT).

September, 2018. The INTERCELLMED-ERC team in the lab @ NANOTEC-CNR in Lecce (IT)!
(from the left: A. Chandra, F. Serio, M. Cavo, E. D’Amone, L.L. del Mercato)
May, 2018: Tayyaba Batool’s certificate award for her successful internship in our lab: Thank you very much to INTER-ASIA project and congratulations to Tayyaba!
(group photo of INTER-ASIA students with Prof 신데렐라 탈출. A.P. Caricato, Prof. M. Martino, Prof. F. de Paolis and Dr. F. Gianotta)
March, 2018: Growing our fist cells in the lab at CNR-Nanotec with Francesca Serio and Eliana D’Amone!
February, 2018: Group photos with Tayyaba Batool visiting MSc student from the National University of Sciences and Technology (Islamabad, Pakistan) for an internship within the INTER-ASIA project of UniSalento: welcome to our lab Tayyaba!
(from left: F. Serio, T. Batool, L.L. del Mercato, E. D’Amone) Francesca Serio and Tayyaba Batool in the lab: preparing their first samples! (from left: T. Batool, F. Serio, E. D’Amone, L.L. del Mercato)